Students. It is always the students. The teachers nag. The teachers punish. Will it work?
After the holidays, there would surely be some students who are unable to hand up their holiday assignments. Those students, would be the ones who will get nagged at and punish. Do they deserve it? Is it their fault?
If not, then whose fault is it?
Dear readers, when you have read till this part, if you are peaceful enough, you may have already formed the mindset, that it is no one's fault and that we shouldn't cry over spilt milk. Well, there is always a reason for everything, and a fault in every mistake.
What is the reason for the late submission? Where does the fault lie?
Would the fault lie in the length of the holiday? Most students, would of course wish for a longer holiday, thus lying the fault in the holidays. However, have you ever considered the flaws extended holiday would bring along with it.
With extended holidays, there would be less lesson time. When there is less lesson time, the syllabus cannot be covered in class. Therefore, branching out into several alternatives that can be used to cover up for the lesser lesson time. Topics taught, would be less in-depth, and teachers would be going at a faster pace resulting in the slower students not being able to catch up. Students, may also have to carry out self learning of topics unable to be covered in class and there would be lesser chances of clarification. With more holidays, school days would also be more packed and students would also have to bring home more homework.
In the end, homework would still not be handed in on time with the packed schedule of the students.
What about the homework. Homework, are generally worksheets that are given as there is a lack of time to complete them in school. Should teachers reduced reduce students pile homework? Should the practices a student receives for a coming test be compromised? It shouldn't.
Even if you assume that you already have enough practices, isn't there a saying "the more the merrier". It is always better to have more practices, as practice makes perfect.
Now, all that is left is the student himself. Is it his fault? My answer is maybe. It may be the student's fault and it may be not.
Most people would not like fault to lie on their shoulders and if you were in the student's shoes, I guess that you would also hope that it is not your fault, and would deny responsibility if possible.
Thus, is it right to blame the student if there is no evidence nor prove to support the argument that it is his fault? I do not think so.
Therefore, if the students do not fell that they are in the wrong, will blind punishment work?
Whose fault is it?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The books that made an impact on my Father's life
Although my father reads lesser books now, when he was young, he reads alot.
During his younger days, my father was an excessive reader, who reads alot esspecially in the area of chinese books. The books which have an impact on his life would be books on acient history and those books about famous people. The books that he reads, were mostly concerning China's history.
In those books, there were many great emporers and heros, who had made very big achievements. Those, inspired him at very young age to be somebody and achieve something in life.
That is why he believes in being the best he can, and acheiving the most he can in everything. Although my father may not have done that in many other areas but at least, he felt that in the areas of academics and in career, he have achieve something to be proud of.
During his younger days, my father was an excessive reader, who reads alot esspecially in the area of chinese books. The books which have an impact on his life would be books on acient history and those books about famous people. The books that he reads, were mostly concerning China's history.
In those books, there were many great emporers and heros, who had made very big achievements. Those, inspired him at very young age to be somebody and achieve something in life.
That is why he believes in being the best he can, and acheiving the most he can in everything. Although my father may not have done that in many other areas but at least, he felt that in the areas of academics and in career, he have achieve something to be proud of.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My least Favourite Character in Village by the Sea
If someone would to ask me the character I dislike the most in Village By the Sea, my answer would by this.
There isn't any really character who needs to be "kicked out" of the story. All the characters played an important role in creating such a wonderful plot. All of them also contributed to the end of the story where everything is in place.
Maybe I would say that I dislike the drunken brothers. They sounded like nothing but trouble. Although there was no edvidence that they poisoned Pinto the dog, they were suspected to have done so. Although they did nasty things, a story could not go without a villian and so, I wouldn't blame them for getting choosen to be the villians.
Therefore, my conclusion would be that I do not have any disliking for any particular character.
Although I do not dislike any character, there are plenty of them who deserve praises. People like Mr Panwallah and Jagu did "charity" for Hari, and helped Hari a number of times when he was in need. Despite being poor, they still provide Hari with income generously.
If someone would to ask me the character I dislike the most in Village By the Sea, my answer would by this.
There isn't any really character who needs to be "kicked out" of the story. All the characters played an important role in creating such a wonderful plot. All of them also contributed to the end of the story where everything is in place.
Maybe I would say that I dislike the drunken brothers. They sounded like nothing but trouble. Although there was no edvidence that they poisoned Pinto the dog, they were suspected to have done so. Although they did nasty things, a story could not go without a villian and so, I wouldn't blame them for getting choosen to be the villians.
Therefore, my conclusion would be that I do not have any disliking for any particular character.
Although I do not dislike any character, there are plenty of them who deserve praises. People like Mr Panwallah and Jagu did "charity" for Hari, and helped Hari a number of times when he was in need. Despite being poor, they still provide Hari with income generously.
My Favourite part of Village by the Sea

This book is one of my language arts literature books, village by the sea. It was written by Anita Desai.
Village by the sea is about poverty in india, and about going to the city. It features Hari, as the main character, Lila, and some others.
My favourite part in this book is the ending, where everything is bright and happy for everyone. Mother recovers from anaemia with good food and proper medication, father kicks his drinking habit, and Hari returns home with money.
You should read this book. If it is not a good book, it wouldn't be taught for literature.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Confessions of a Drink Driver
Today, the 10th of July marks the day of my long awaited anniversary.....
It was today, in the year of 1990...
The blarring of my racecar's radio roared over the thunder storm. It was my favourite romance song, the newest one of Q.I.'s newest album. Memories of my wife flashed accross my dazed mind. I was especially down that day, we had just divorced.
The stench of strong alchohol squeezed and push their way up my nostrills. It was an unbearable smell. I wonder, I wonder why did I ever pick up this useless drinking habit.
My vision blurred into steam. I felt heat. Am I in a steam bath? I couldn't tell. My mind was in a whirl, and I could only think of my wife, now not my.
Suddenly, a blinding white light flashed up on my dirty windscreen! The stench. The song. The light. The "bang!". The salty red liquid in my mouth. The pain.
"Quick! Get the emergency rescue service!"
"Don't scare me..."
The scream of tyres, on the crying floor.
"He has been drinking! His blood sample tested positive for alcho..............."
It was fuzzy. I am gone...
Do not ever follow in my footsteps.
I am warning you.
I am watching you.
Everyday, everywhere.
It was today, in the year of 1990...
The blarring of my racecar's radio roared over the thunder storm. It was my favourite romance song, the newest one of Q.I.'s newest album. Memories of my wife flashed accross my dazed mind. I was especially down that day, we had just divorced.
The stench of strong alchohol squeezed and push their way up my nostrills. It was an unbearable smell. I wonder, I wonder why did I ever pick up this useless drinking habit.
My vision blurred into steam. I felt heat. Am I in a steam bath? I couldn't tell. My mind was in a whirl, and I could only think of my wife, now not my.
Suddenly, a blinding white light flashed up on my dirty windscreen! The stench. The song. The light. The "bang!". The salty red liquid in my mouth. The pain.
"Quick! Get the emergency rescue service!"
"Don't scare me..."
The scream of tyres, on the crying floor.
"He has been drinking! His blood sample tested positive for alcho..............."
It was fuzzy. I am gone...
Do not ever follow in my footsteps.
I am warning you.
I am watching you.
Everyday, everywhere.
City Rat or Country Mouse?
Would you rather be a city rat, or a country mouse?
Firstly, let me elaborate on some of the pros and cons of being country mouse.
A country mouse, would lead a carefree life in the country side, while on the other hand, it will have a lack of resources in terms of technology. A country mouse, would benefit from the fresh air, and the beautiful scenery of the country side, it will also have a relax well paced life, where each day is just like the other. A country mouse will also tend to be healthier, from the sweat and the work a country life requires. Despite the many benefits a country life would offer, there is also the bad side.
A country mouse, will be more "sick" due to the lack of medical supplies and doctors. With the lack of schools, there will also be a lack of technology, and thus it will also loose out in the area of the virtual world, and education. With a lack of education, country mouses will also poorer due to the lack of good jobs, and therefore would not have enough money to improve their lives. They would be trapped in the vivious cycle of poverty.
Secondly, I would tell you more about the pros and cons of being a city rat.
A city rat, despite being well developed, a situation no matter how plentiful of advantages, would have its disadvantages too. In the city, life is fast paced, and city mouses are usually put under alot of stressed and pressure, to keep up. Although city mouses are advanced in the area of technology, and have well paid jobs, both technology and well paid jobs require them to sit in the office all day long and crack their brains. This, would clearly detererate their quality of health.
City life is no doupt much more convenient then country life. In the city, there is a good structure of transportation, and it would be chicken feet to get from one place to another. With the developement of phones and the internet, communication is also greatly enchanced. Eateries around the city would also leave a city rat's mind in peace, as he do not have to worry when is his next meal coming from. Also, with technology, comes proper planning and a good hygein system. Even if a city rat is to fall ill, there is always a doctor to see to it a few steps away.
Would I rather be a city rat or a country mouse?
Well, it would be the same theory of not being satisfied with what one has.
A classical example would be to peek into someone else's newspapers in the train/ bus, with a set of newspapers in ones own hands.
I would prefer to be a country mouse, and enjoy the relaxed life in the countryside.
Would you rather be a city rat, or a country mouse?
Firstly, let me elaborate on some of the pros and cons of being country mouse.
A country mouse, would lead a carefree life in the country side, while on the other hand, it will have a lack of resources in terms of technology. A country mouse, would benefit from the fresh air, and the beautiful scenery of the country side, it will also have a relax well paced life, where each day is just like the other. A country mouse will also tend to be healthier, from the sweat and the work a country life requires. Despite the many benefits a country life would offer, there is also the bad side.
A country mouse, will be more "sick" due to the lack of medical supplies and doctors. With the lack of schools, there will also be a lack of technology, and thus it will also loose out in the area of the virtual world, and education. With a lack of education, country mouses will also poorer due to the lack of good jobs, and therefore would not have enough money to improve their lives. They would be trapped in the vivious cycle of poverty.
Secondly, I would tell you more about the pros and cons of being a city rat.
A city rat, despite being well developed, a situation no matter how plentiful of advantages, would have its disadvantages too. In the city, life is fast paced, and city mouses are usually put under alot of stressed and pressure, to keep up. Although city mouses are advanced in the area of technology, and have well paid jobs, both technology and well paid jobs require them to sit in the office all day long and crack their brains. This, would clearly detererate their quality of health.
City life is no doupt much more convenient then country life. In the city, there is a good structure of transportation, and it would be chicken feet to get from one place to another. With the developement of phones and the internet, communication is also greatly enchanced. Eateries around the city would also leave a city rat's mind in peace, as he do not have to worry when is his next meal coming from. Also, with technology, comes proper planning and a good hygein system. Even if a city rat is to fall ill, there is always a doctor to see to it a few steps away.
Would I rather be a city rat or a country mouse?
Well, it would be the same theory of not being satisfied with what one has.
A classical example would be to peek into someone else's newspapers in the train/ bus, with a set of newspapers in ones own hands.
I would prefer to be a country mouse, and enjoy the relaxed life in the countryside.
Would you rather be a city rat, or a country mouse?
Monday, July 6, 2009
My Favorite Poet
My favorite poet is Shel Silverstien. I like Shel Silverstien, as he is multi- talented, and he wrote my favorite poem. He is a cartoonist, playwright, poet, performer, recording artist, and Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated songwriter.
Silverstein is known for his iconic books of prose and poetry for young readers. He was born on September 25, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois. He died in May 1999.
Some of his modern classical works include Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back (1963), The Giving Tree (1964), A Giraffe and a Half (1964), The Missing Piece (1976), and The Missing Piece Meets the Big O (1981). Through his writing, Silverstein has won an uncountable number of awards, which include Where the Sidewalk Ends, a 1974 Michigan Young Readers Award winner; A Light in the Attic, recipient of the School Library Journal Best Books Award in 1982.
Silverstein’s books, which were also illustrated by him, are characterized by a deft mixing of the sly and the serious, the macabre and the just plain silly. His unique out of the box imagination and bold brand of humour is loved by both countless adults and children throughout the world.
Silverstein is known for his iconic books of prose and poetry for young readers. He was born on September 25, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois. He died in May 1999.
Some of his modern classical works include Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back (1963), The Giving Tree (1964), A Giraffe and a Half (1964), The Missing Piece (1976), and The Missing Piece Meets the Big O (1981). Through his writing, Silverstein has won an uncountable number of awards, which include Where the Sidewalk Ends, a 1974 Michigan Young Readers Award winner; A Light in the Attic, recipient of the School Library Journal Best Books Award in 1982.
Silverstein’s books, which were also illustrated by him, are characterized by a deft mixing of the sly and the serious, the macabre and the just plain silly. His unique out of the box imagination and bold brand of humour is loved by both countless adults and children throughout the world.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!
Firstly, I would talk about the figurative language used by the author in his poem.
An exaggerate statement, used to invoke an emotion or image.
The author used hyperbole when he said the the chair was over stuff, the workbook was wedged in the window, and the books are jammed in to the closet.
Giving an object or an abstract idea human traits equalities.
The author used personification when he said the the underwear was hanging on the lamp.
Directly comparing seemingly unrelated subjects with or without the use of using the words like as or and.
The author didn't use any Metaphor.
Uses the words like or and
Simile was also not used.
Use as a representative figure to carry additional meaning.
The author used symbolism when he keeps repeating that the owner of the room should be ashamed. In the end, he gives it a twist, and it was his own room. It symbolises that he was not ashamed, but proud of his room.
Why do I like this poem?
Well, I like this poem firstly, as it is short and sweet. It is not some lengthy poem that is so wordy, till it becomes hard to read. I like this poem as it gives some sort of a twist at the end, when the author "found out" that the room he has been criticizing is is own room, giving some sense of humour. I also like the fact that the author didn't use any describing words, and yet still manage to describe a room. Instead, he uses actions about how untidily the objects in the room are placed. To conclude this post, I would like to say that this good poem is something we should learn from.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!
Firstly, I would talk about the figurative language used by the author in his poem.
An exaggerate statement, used to invoke an emotion or image.
The author used hyperbole when he said the the chair was over stuff, the workbook was wedged in the window, and the books are jammed in to the closet.
Giving an object or an abstract idea human traits equalities.
The author used personification when he said the the underwear was hanging on the lamp.
Directly comparing seemingly unrelated subjects with or without the use of using the words like as or and.
The author didn't use any Metaphor.
Uses the words like or and
Simile was also not used.
Use as a representative figure to carry additional meaning.
The author used symbolism when he keeps repeating that the owner of the room should be ashamed. In the end, he gives it a twist, and it was his own room. It symbolises that he was not ashamed, but proud of his room.
Why do I like this poem?
Well, I like this poem firstly, as it is short and sweet. It is not some lengthy poem that is so wordy, till it becomes hard to read. I like this poem as it gives some sort of a twist at the end, when the author "found out" that the room he has been criticizing is is own room, giving some sense of humour. I also like the fact that the author didn't use any describing words, and yet still manage to describe a room. Instead, he uses actions about how untidily the objects in the room are placed. To conclude this post, I would like to say that this good poem is something we should learn from.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Today is the day, where my school held the Singapore Mathematics Olympiad for Primary Schools. As there were too many participants, and too little classrooms to house all of them, 6 of the primary schools had the competition in school. Being a councillor- in- training (CIT) my role in the SMOPS was to be an usher, like the rest of the CITs. Unlukily, the area I was in charge of was the last bus stop you can alight at my school, the one at gate 3. Not many people entered through that gate, as most of them used the first few bus stops or drive in. It was pretty boring and I didn't have much to do. If I knew this would happen, earlier, I would have volunteered to station at the clock tower. The clock tower is the main place school buses stop, and it was also used as one of the registration area. There will be definately more people to usher there.
After doing almost nothing for 2 hours, the registration closed and we had a break. The break was a fast one, with one packet drink and a packet of bee hoon each. The food was Okay, but it was spicy and may not suit the taste of people who do not take spicy food.
Although we were required to clear the registration area immediately after break, but the primary school students did not make a mess, and we started talking about the school's ghost stories. Did you know that you could find out about some "myths and legens" about the school if you search "from" KRISON at the hs_student's archive, then click the "V" beside the massage?
After doing almost nothing for 2 hours, the registration closed and we had a break. The break was a fast one, with one packet drink and a packet of bee hoon each. The food was Okay, but it was spicy and may not suit the taste of people who do not take spicy food.
Although we were required to clear the registration area immediately after break, but the primary school students did not make a mess, and we started talking about the school's ghost stories. Did you know that you could find out about some "myths and legens" about the school if you search "from" KRISON at the hs_student's archive, then click the "V" beside the massage?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Maths blog
Hi, it has been more than a week since I last posted.
Please also go to to give your views and comments.
Please also go to to give your views and comments.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Logo--- Done
With regards to my post "Logo", I have done a logo for Socrates. This logo has an interesting property: it can still be read after being turned 180 degrees around.
Here it is...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hi readers, when you hear of Socrates what comes to your mind first? What do you feel about Socrates? How do you think a logo for Socrates should look like?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Maths Question
If a boy standing 50cm away from you looks 1.5m tall, how tall will a boy standing 5m away look?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bad Day
It all started in the morning. In the night, while I was sleeping, my hand phone's battery got flat and my hand phone's alarm clock didn't wake me up in the morning. After rushing through to get ready for school, I rush down to the bus stop, only to see my bus go past. By the time the next bus arrived, it was the last bus I could take to reach school early. Reaching the classroom after flag raising, I noticed that my chair had "disappeared" and my science teacher made me stand/ sit on the floor for quite some time while she scolded whoever took my chair and did not return it.
The next period was PE and unfortunately today we had our NAPFA test, where we have to run 2.4km. Nearing my last round, my shoelaces came loose causing my to trip, bringing me a few positions down. It was a blessing that I finished the run "alive" as I did not practice.
After school, our new CEPAS (ez-link) cards were given out to us and my face on the card looked weired. The slow distribution of the CEPAS cards also made me not have enough time to meet my project teacher mentor. As a result, I have to meet him after a session of project briefing. He was in a bad mood. As my group's work was also not up to his standard so, he spent the whole session scolding me and my teammate, dragging it to 1 whole hour. After his scolding, the 2 of us were sent to touch up on our project proposal with borrowed laptops from the school library. Unfortunately, the librarian gave me the wrong log-in information, and the library's USB cable had some problem making the Internet was inaccessible. I only manage to log-in after several trail and error attempts. After I logged-in, the USB cable was found spoilt and this fault in the library caused another 1 hour of my precious time.
My bad day did not only end here, when I accidentally sent my brass buttons for washing with my clothes. I had to dig through the laundry pail to retrieve back my uniform. I am also here typing this long post when I just remembered my huge pile of undone homework.
The next period was PE and unfortunately today we had our NAPFA test, where we have to run 2.4km. Nearing my last round, my shoelaces came loose causing my to trip, bringing me a few positions down. It was a blessing that I finished the run "alive" as I did not practice.
After school, our new CEPAS (ez-link) cards were given out to us and my face on the card looked weired. The slow distribution of the CEPAS cards also made me not have enough time to meet my project teacher mentor. As a result, I have to meet him after a session of project briefing. He was in a bad mood. As my group's work was also not up to his standard so, he spent the whole session scolding me and my teammate, dragging it to 1 whole hour. After his scolding, the 2 of us were sent to touch up on our project proposal with borrowed laptops from the school library. Unfortunately, the librarian gave me the wrong log-in information, and the library's USB cable had some problem making the Internet was inaccessible. I only manage to log-in after several trail and error attempts. After I logged-in, the USB cable was found spoilt and this fault in the library caused another 1 hour of my precious time.
My bad day did not only end here, when I accidentally sent my brass buttons for washing with my clothes. I had to dig through the laundry pail to retrieve back my uniform. I am also here typing this long post when I just remembered my huge pile of undone homework.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Maths Question
Let n be 1.
There are 3 errors in this question. Can you spot them?
There are 3 errors in this question. Can you spot them?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Hi schooling readers, the holidays is coming to an end, and i hope you are enjoying it. Anyway if you are enjoying I am not. Infact my March holidays this year was not even considered a holiday to me.
Before I continue, let me ask you a simple question.
What is holiday to you? Is it a time to relax after the exams? Is it a time to do what you can't do during the term? Is it a time for you to distress?
Well my holiday is nothing different from school days. I still have to go to school everyday.
Before I continue, let me ask you a simple question.
What is holiday to you? Is it a time to relax after the exams? Is it a time to do what you can't do during the term? Is it a time for you to distress?
Well my holiday is nothing different from school days. I still have to go to school everyday.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Maths Question
There are 2009 lighted light bulbs in a role. Every day, Mr Do will turn off all the odd numbered lighted light bulbs.
a) If Mr Do started this proccess on a Monday, on which day would he stop this proccess?
b) How many bulbs from the left is the last bulb to be switched off?
a) If Mr Do started this proccess on a Monday, on which day would he stop this proccess?
b) How many bulbs from the left is the last bulb to be switched off?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Slow Clock Fixed
Thanks to Lowawa, I finally manage to change my blog's clock to the correct one. Although the clock is fixed, you can still comment on the "Slow Clock" and this post. Just write what you want.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Maths Question
I have a padlock with 12 buttons, and the code can be a 1-12 digit number. How many types of combinations must you try out before hacking the code?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A racecar is a racecar while a racecar is a racecar, and a racecar is also a racecar because a racecar is a racecar when a racecar is spelt backwards, so a racecar is a racecar and a racecar.
Hi readers did you realise something about words like racecar, mom, dad? Well, those words are palindrones. I am sure you are able too raftly figure out what a palindrome is from reading the above, and finding a similarity between the words racecar, mom and dad.
Do you know anymore of such interesting words? Please share.
Hi readers did you realise something about words like racecar, mom, dad? Well, those words are palindrones. I am sure you are able too raftly figure out what a palindrome is from reading the above, and finding a similarity between the words racecar, mom and dad.
Do you know anymore of such interesting words? Please share.
Slow Clock
My blog's timing is about 13 hours slow! Did you notice that? Anyway does anyone have any suggestions as to how to change the timing to a correct one?
Please feedback.
Please feedback.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Math Question 2
Here is the next question. It is rather simple too.
How many 4 letters word can you form with the word TERENCE? ( It may not nessarily be a real word.)
Please leave your answers as a comment.
How many 4 letters word can you form with the word TERENCE? ( It may not nessarily be a real word.)
Please leave your answers as a comment.
Friday, March 6, 2009
1st Maths Question
Today, our maths teacher suggested to us the idea of posting maths questions on our blogs. My first question would be a simple one. Here it is.
What is the fomula for a+(a+1)+(a+2)+...+(n-2)+(n-1)+n?
What is the fomula for a+(a+1)+(a+2)+...+(n-2)+(n-1)+n?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Language Arts Assignment 2
Article from: The Straits Times Friday, Febuary 27 2009 pg. A12
Article Title: Scaling One Peak After Another
Being a victim of cerebral palsy, Ms Oh has done quite a commendable job of climbing one of the tallest mountains in South- east Asia, Mt Kinabalu, and writing a book that inspired others. Ms Oh, who walks with an awkward gait and speaks with great difficulty was often an easy target for taunts, cruel jokes and discrimination. Although a high fever rendered one of her four siblings mentally impaired, cancer robbed her of her doting father and her best friend, her late mother was bedridden and suffered from chronic skin disease which led to the amputation of her mother's right leg, and her brother was a compulsive gambler who lost her poor parents' savings, Ms Oh did not give up in self pity, but to chase and live her dreams. Evidently, we can learn lots of values from Ms Oh, things like resilience and positive thinking.
Article Title: Scaling One Peak After Another
Being a victim of cerebral palsy, Ms Oh has done quite a commendable job of climbing one of the tallest mountains in South- east Asia, Mt Kinabalu, and writing a book that inspired others. Ms Oh, who walks with an awkward gait and speaks with great difficulty was often an easy target for taunts, cruel jokes and discrimination. Although a high fever rendered one of her four siblings mentally impaired, cancer robbed her of her doting father and her best friend, her late mother was bedridden and suffered from chronic skin disease which led to the amputation of her mother's right leg, and her brother was a compulsive gambler who lost her poor parents' savings, Ms Oh did not give up in self pity, but to chase and live her dreams. Evidently, we can learn lots of values from Ms Oh, things like resilience and positive thinking.
Monday, March 2, 2009

On Saturday, Singapore's icon, The Merlion was struck by lightning. Part of its mane fell off, crashing to the floor. The Merlion stop spouting water many hours after. Today, in the news papers, on the front page of The Straights Times shows a picture of the Merlion being caged up. Contractors were engaged to repair the Merlion, and the public is still not allowed to access the 36 year old icon at the mouth of the Singapore River. What exactly has the Merlion done wrong to deserve to be struck by lightning, caged up, and isolated.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Today was a pretty tiring day. I had to wake up at 6am early in the morning to rush to east coast park outward bound singapore. You may be wondering what was I doing at such a place on an early Saturday morning, well I participated in a CIP activity, where we hold games for the disabled. I had to run here and there, carring tables and other stuff for the event. By the time the whole thing ended I was tired to the bone. Actually the plan was for me to walk a very far distance to the nearest bus stop, and take a bus home but lucky for me, my mother was able to rush down to pick me. By the time I reached home, it was already 3pm. More than half of my Saturday is gone. When I reached home, I had to work on a huge pile of homework, set by my teachers, all together 9 of them as I have 9 examinable subjects. I had only about 1 and a half hours to work on them, as I have to rush of for my CCA at 4.30pm.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Language Arts Assignment- News Paper Article
Article from: The Straits Times Monday 23 Febuary 2009 Pg. B5
Article Title: Nuisance callers dial up a 999 logjam.
The article focused on a main idea that calling 999, for non- urgent situations is incorrect. The article further illastrates this by following a workday of a police staff. The Straits Times journalist found out that pranksters swamp police hotlines, while others treat it as a phone directory or a complaint bureau. Among the 273 calls the followed police staff took, 8 in 10 calls were nuisance and dropped calls. The nuisance callers can sometimes hamper the speed at which information is passed on, and can potantially delay police response in situations where every seconds matters.
I was surprised to get to know of such an incident, as since young, we were taught that the number 999 is only for emergencies, and that we were not suppose to make nuisance calls. I didn't know that people, especially adults dialled 999 for enquiry, and non- emergency matters. This pranksters should know that their numbers can be traced easily by the police, and they may be dealt with easily.
From the article, we can see the ugly side of singaporeans.
I think the pranksters should be seriously dealt with. Maybe give them a heavy fine, or give them detention. Hopefully, this will deter people from calling 999 as and when they like. Better prevent than to punish, I suggest that the public be better educated in this area, and we can also do our part by spreading this massage to those aruond us.
Last but not least I also suggest a number for people to call for non- emregency matters.
Article Title: Nuisance callers dial up a 999 logjam.
The article focused on a main idea that calling 999, for non- urgent situations is incorrect. The article further illastrates this by following a workday of a police staff. The Straits Times journalist found out that pranksters swamp police hotlines, while others treat it as a phone directory or a complaint bureau. Among the 273 calls the followed police staff took, 8 in 10 calls were nuisance and dropped calls. The nuisance callers can sometimes hamper the speed at which information is passed on, and can potantially delay police response in situations where every seconds matters.
I was surprised to get to know of such an incident, as since young, we were taught that the number 999 is only for emergencies, and that we were not suppose to make nuisance calls. I didn't know that people, especially adults dialled 999 for enquiry, and non- emergency matters. This pranksters should know that their numbers can be traced easily by the police, and they may be dealt with easily.
From the article, we can see the ugly side of singaporeans.
I think the pranksters should be seriously dealt with. Maybe give them a heavy fine, or give them detention. Hopefully, this will deter people from calling 999 as and when they like. Better prevent than to punish, I suggest that the public be better educated in this area, and we can also do our part by spreading this massage to those aruond us.
Last but not least I also suggest a number for people to call for non- emregency matters.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Greetings fellow readres, this is my first time writing a blog so pardon me if my blog is too plain or not what a blog is supposed to be. I do not really know what I should be writing about or what is what. Besides that, I am still new to blogs and had not really familarised myself to the features of a blog yet. So that is that for now.
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